NODE47 PMH52W1 smart TV w/ 3x Silelis 405D1 video slaves
sosnihuica coffeeshop, Bazilijonu str
6a, Vilnius
oct 7th '22
Elektronika VL-100 standalone video player
Digital Tsunami x arkaoda
arkaoda Berlin, Karl-Marx Platz 16, Berlin
sep 17th '22

Audio walk in Bahmut by Ihor Babaiev
NODE47 PMH52W1 standalone audio/video player box
OIDA IV, Matters platform
Kaunas central post office
sep 16th '22

Bar menu
14 stotele bar & grill, Betygalos str 14, Kaunas
aug 20th '22

"A walk between the trenches" by Svitlana Dovhan and Oleksii Podat
NODE47 PMH52W1 standalone audio/video player box
OIDA III, Matters platform
Kaunas Eighth Fort
aug 19th '22

Fridge weight & bar menu
NODE47 PMH52W1 standalone video player CRT boxes
DT CAMP 2022, Lithuania
aug 12th - 15th '22

One of the few Silelis 405D1 based retro game boxes at Alun Mabyn
Yaga Gathering, Lithuania
jul 14th - 18th

"Audiophoto 27th may 2022" by Dima Levytskyi
Silelis 42TC401D standalone audio/video player
OIDA I, Matters platform
P.A.R.A.K.A.S., Prancuzu str 2, Kaunas
jun 17th '22

Oven TV. Elastica x Orkaite, Club Elastica, Gelezinkelio str 6, Vilnius
Stove w/ built-in CRT screen & video player
may 13th '22

Television set installation.
Trikdziai, Vilko Kartodromas, Kaunakiemio str 5, Kaunas
apr 9th '22

Silelis 405D1 portable media player box
Personal collection of a retro fan
mar 28th '22

Silelis 405D1 slideshow TV
Bar Godo, Laisves av 89-1D, Kaunas
feb 12th '22

DJ's desk decoration
New Year's at Bar Godo, Laisves av 89-1D, Kaunas
dec 31st '21

AKLI live
Hogas pub, Kaunakiemio str 40, Kaunas
dec 16th '21

Sankaba rave series, Kaunas
jun 12th '20

Prisukamas Abrikosas rave series, Kaunas
dec 25th '19
